Your contact Kitzbüheler Alpen picture database

We are happy to help you! Simply send us a message, or get in touch with us directely.

Did you find suitabale images on our Kitzbüheler Alpen image database?
If not please do not hesitate to contact us - resp. the colleagues at the Tourist Offices.

Your personal press & photo contacts in the regions:

Tourist Office Brixental (Brixen - Kirchberg - Westendorf)
Media representative: Stefanie Exenberger, Tel. +43 57 507 2142

Tourist Office St. Johann in Tirol (and Oberndorf, Kirchdorf, Erpfendorf)
Media representative: Theresa Hager, Tel. +43 5352 63335 328

Tourist Office Hohe Salve (Hopfgarten, Itter, Wörgl + surrounding villages)
Media representative: Magdalena Laiminger, Tel.: +43 57507 7011

Tourist Office PillerseeTal (Fieberbrunn, Hochfilzen, St. Jakob i. H., St. Ulrich a. Pillersee)
Media representative: Angelika Hronek, Tel. +43 5354 56304 32

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Please read and observe our General Terms and Conditions.
The author of the image must be cited in every publication without exception!

You can choose from three image qualities:

  • Original (high resolution)
  • Internet compatible (ca. 900 x 600 px)
  • HD (1.920 x 1.080 px)

Holiday Tourist Information Offices in our regions:

We will be glad to receive all your enquiries and requests! - Contact Tourism Association:

Our Service-Team we'll be happy to help you personally

Kitzbüheler Alpen Service Hotline

Tel.: +43 57507